Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Keep a Record of Everything...Yes, Even Your Failures

You know, I'm sure we all have those cringe-worthy pieces of polymer clay tucked in a box or at the back of a drawer somewhere.  I have some horrendous pieces that I've created over the years - but you know what, they are all important.

When I first started experimenting with polymer clay, I never used to record anything.  I would just make stuff and if it was good - yay!! if not, it would just go in the bin.

Nowdays, I record or take note of everything I do.....even the failures.  The failures are awesome!! and recording the failures is even better, because I know I won't make those mistakes again.

A huge pile of "failures" in this lot but at least they won't happen again.

Lots of failures here too - this is a great way to record your experiments.

I like to record everything.

It took some time but is well worth it.


  1. Love your experimenting and research! Your results are showing your success with your work! Well done!

  2. Thanks Karen. It's fun to experiment hey honey? xx
